Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Started this decade as a 11 year old with steady grades, good metabolism , multiple hobbies and not knowing half of what I know today. The only slang most of knew was ''Fuck'',Wizards of Waverly Places , Hannah Montana and Kya Mast hai life were still on air , Star one was the only channel featuring a Supernatural love story but ofc then TVD  took over and the only close idea I had about what a  heartbreak was from seeing Merideth Grey find out that her McDreamy was married (nope,still not over that ). What I'm trying to say is that no other decade will ever match this one.
We are the people we are today cos of what we learned and unlearned in these years  and because of all the closet doors we broke and the inhibitions we abandoned. So, here's hoping that coming decade helps you grow and you keep the fight on cos life shall still suck and so will most people(mostly Bhakts) but you do you friend .